
Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Big Big Changes

2012 is proving to be a year of big surprises and changes.  It will also, hopefully, continue to be a year of tremendous growth and learning.

One big change is my new blog and domain name.  You can now follow my work at, and also on Facebook.  Hope to see you there.


Thursday, July 7, 2011

April 2011...a quick catch up.'s a play-by-play of April....It finally got warm enough to spend some time outside shooting.  Thank goodness!

One of Our Beautiful Nieces

Another Beautiful Niece

Sweet Mr. M.  What a dreamy baby he is!


Watch Out Bad Guys!

Probably one of my all-time favorite pictures of the boys!

March 2011 a very late recap...

This is just a quick review of the month of March, including some of my favorites from our trip to Florida. poor, neglected blog!

I just realized I haven't posted on here in nearly six months!  Six months!  That is pretty crazy.  Or, has just been pretty crazy!

I think I will do a quick month-by-month play to get up to speed....

Monday, February 21, 2011

Sweet {T}

I always have so much fun when I get the chance to take pictures of my adorable niece!  Her hair is incredible and the smiles and rolls so adorable.  Here she is, 5 months old already.  Time flies....

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Holy Wowza!

I am WAAAAY behind on keeping this blog up to date!  I guess I find it so much easier to just update my Facebook albums.  For my own personal growth, I really do need to keep posting here and watching myself grow with my hobby.  To do a quick catch up, here are some of my favorite learning sessions, in no particular order.

Friday, November 19, 2010

The fabulous {P} Family

We had a wonderfully warm, fall, afternoon at a nearby art park.  The temps were perfect, the leaves were falling...perfect all around.  Just like this family!  Enjoy...